"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God upon all my remembrance of you" (Philippians 1:2-3).
These lessons were written and designed especially for those new to the faith. It is our sincere hope and prayer that as you study through these lessons, you may grow closer to the Lord and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
The following will be an outline for this part of the course:
I. You And Your New Lord.
A. What Shall We Have Therefore?
B. Your New Lord/Life.
C. The Backward Pull.
D. Living In Fellowship.
E. New Privileges.
F. Becoming Fruitful Disciples.
II. You And Your Bible.
A. How We Know The Bible Is True.
B. How To Read The Bible.
C. The Old Testament.
D. The New Testament.
E. The Two Covenants.
III. You And The Church.
A. The Eternal Purpose.
B. Restoring The New Testament Church
And Its Worship.
Please finish a lesson, then answer the study sheet provided with
this booklet that corresponds to the lesson number. When finished
with all the lesson study sheets, please mail them to your teacher.
They will be graded and the lessons returned to you along with the next
booklet in this series. God bless you in your study of His word.
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